Hello Today
- Create a standard HTML page with a button and two text labels (use <p> or <div>). Make sure the labels have id attributes and the button has an onClick attribute.
- When the button is pressed, run a function that will have one lablel say "TIME" and the other "DAY"
- Find a JavaScript function that can tell you todays Date. (its usually called the Date function) From that function,
get the current day of the week represented as a number. Show that number when the button is pressed. (So if its a Monday, the label should show "Today is day 1".)
- Create an array holding the names of all the days of the week so ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday" etc]
- Figure out how to lookup the day of the week in the array using the number you have. Show that name in the label instead. Have it say: "Today is Monday"
- Now do the same for the month. Get the number of the month from the Date function, setup an array with all the month names ["January", "February", ]
and look up the name of the month using the number of the month.
- Your DAY label should now say "Today is Monday and the month is April"
- Add the day of the month and year, so your label says: "Today is Monday, April 17, 2018"
- Do the same for the TIME label: show Hours, Minutes.
- Test if the hour is > 12, converted to 12 hour format and show AM or PM
- If the minutes are less then ten, add a zero to make "8" show "08"
- For extra credit, show seconds and have the page refresh automaticaly to act like a real-time clock.
- Style your page, make it look good, add any variations you'd like.
(c) 2018 by Code Craft Academy