- Setup the Pitcher page with 2 (or more) input fields and a "Send" button.
- Think of some fun info (name/value pairs) you want to ask of your user and then display on the other page. For example, a band and their best song, a restaurant and their rating of it, a country they have visited and how to say "hello" in the local language, etc
Label your input fields appropriately so users can enter in the right info.
- Write a function that runs when the button is pressed. In it, take the values from the input fields, and send them to the catcher page using
- Now setup a Catcher page with a label element using <text> or <p>
- Have the page grab the entire URL query string using
var query = window.location.search
and display it on the page
- Trim the "?" from the query, and also make any space characters look normal using decodeURIComponent
- Split the query into its pairs using query.split and display each pair separately.
remember: split breaks up a phrase and puts all the pieces into an array.
- Now split each pair using pair.split and display the name and the value separately.
- Write a function getValue(name) that, given a name, returns the corresponding value.
- Finally, use getValue to display the data you gathered in a funny and relevant sentence, ie.
If you're walking down the street in Thailand, you want to say Sawasdee to greet people.
- EXTRA CREDIT: add a searchbox where you can enter a name to get its value
- Finish the project till it looks perfect to you.
Have fun and good luck!